How can governmental structures be used to control power?
The great philosopher Montesquieu (1748) states:
“It has been eternally observed that any man who has power is led to abuse it… Power must check power by the arrangement of things.”
Thus, in his masterpiece book, Montesquieu concluded that the best way of government functioning without becoming arbitrary would be if the legislative, executive and judicial powers were separated and kept each other in check. Separating powers prevents any level from overcoming its power or becoming too powerful. According to Montesquieu (1748)
“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.”
The reason why he believes that power has to serve as a check to power, building the government structure based on checks and balances.
Montesquieu, C. (1748). Complete Works, vol. 1 The Spirit of Laws | Online Library of Liberty. Online Library of Liberty. Retrieved January 29, 2022, from