How to Build a Successful Project

This tutorial aims to assure that you can build a successful project by applying some techniques we will approach below. A successful project is achieved when stakeholders work together to have a single goal and attain it. They must follow some gist. Most companies are seeking professionals who carry abilities. And the abilities that this text will approach you are excerpted from what is showed in Burning Glass Technologies (2015), “Baseline skills include communication, problem-solving, detail-orientation, and creativity, but also things like basic computer literacy that increasingly represent a minimum qualification for even low-wage jobs” (p. 5).
Communication Skill
According to Burning Glass Technologies (2015), communication is essential for success on any professional carrier level. In a project, it is not different. We can tell that communication is the key to success. So, it would help if you kept in mind that communication in any project must be effective and could not be neglect. So, working hard to improve your communication skill is paramount. Based on Oliveri and Markle (2017), companies had difficulties finding professionals who hold the communication skills necessary to fill their gap.
Teamwork Skill
A successful project is built on team group work. A single person is not able to deliver a project by itself. A successful project is based on a combination of skills working together to achieve a unique goal. An obvious example of teamwork and combining their skills to deliver a project for NASA is the movie Hidden Figures. All women start doing what nobody was capable of doing. In the end, they accomplished the project, becoming an epoch in history (Melfi, 2016).
Hard and Soft Skills
Furthermore, a team can be formed without a leader; however, the leader has to own abilities that others do not detain to guide the team through the project. Even more important, be able to identify the skills of each member and try to use them in favor of the project. These days, skills have become a trend, and it is a concern for most companies, according to Burning Glass Technologies (2015), Oliveri and Markle (2017). But they approach only hard skills that you can be taught. On the other hand, Fisher (2019) suggested that soft skills are also important and more durable, at the same time, it is hard to measure. So, it guides you also to keep working on your abilities, such as empathy and adaptability. Concluding that both hard and soft skills are essential for a successful project.
Software Skills
Software skills are widely required for projects. It is present in almost all companies, mainly in technology ones. Even we know how to use computers, for example, it could not be enough. Each company or project has it is own software to help the team with their duties. Consequently, we must be able to use the proposed software as our resource or partner. As stated by Yousif (2018), we should treat the software as our teammates. It will make more sense to us if the software relays the sense of working together with the same goal. Moreover, most of our tasks will be executed by or using the software. So, we must be able to handle digital skills.
Burning Glass Technologies. (2015). The human factor: The hard times employers have finding soft skills, 1–18. Burning Glass.
Fisher, A. (2019, May 11). Soft skill training: Soft skills are hard to measure and in demand, can they be taught? Fortune.
Melfi, T. (Director). (2016). Hidden figures [Film]. Fox 2000 Pictures.
Oliveri, M. E., & Markle, R. (2017). Continuing a culture of evidence: Expanding skills in higher education. ETS Research Report Series, 1–7.
Yousif, N. (2018, October). Why you should treat the tech you use at work like a colleague [Video]. TED.