The history of technology and how it influenced the communication
1. Evolution of Technology
Beginning of communication
1814–95 — News
1844 — Telegraphs Make Communication Almost Instantaneous
1876 — Alexander Graham Bell Introduces the Telephone
1904 — Radio Reaches a Mass Audience
1907 — Movies
1927 — Television
1957–62 — Space Race Speed up Communication
1973 — Cell Phones Facilitate Instant and Mobile Communication
When Communication takes an irreversible path
It starts with the military necessity to communicate and share secret information.
1938 — Bombe was created based on ENIGMA
ENIGMA became an award movie launched in 2014
1944 — Colossus, The First Computer
2. How the Evolution of Technology affected the Communication
From the news
To watches
Instant answers from Google
Instant communication
Working, Sharing, Commenting, Talking, Streaming, etc.
3. The Impact of Technology on our Communication
Technology improves the globalization
Technology is turning in another direction
Future of Communication and Technology. A discovery from the space
Quantum Computer
Robot era? Are you prepared?
Chohini, S. (2018, November). A beginner’s guide to quantum computing [Video]. TED.
Computer History Museum. (n.d.). Timeline of computer history.
Evans, C. (2019, February, 26). The evolution of technology continues: what’s next in 2019. D!gitallist.
World101. (n.d.). Two hundred years of global communications.